Thursday, July 10, 2014

Instrument Machine, April 2014 First Site Gallery, Melbourne.

Instrument Machine 
April 2014 First Site Gallery, Melbourne.

'Instrument Machine' was a collaborative exhibition that explored instruments in their multitude of forms, with a focus on lo fi mechanisms/electronics, DIY culture and innovation.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Qualia - RMIT Sculpture Honours Graduate Exhibition 2013 @ RMIT School of Art Gallery

My sculptural construction acts as a disruption to the continuity of the gallery 
space. It is an architectural intervention that uses sculpture as a way of exploring 
the physical relationships of the built environment and the human body.
This work was constructed using the following parameters:
1. All materials used are to be found, borrowed or given
2. The sculpture is to be constructed using all materials at hand, at any given time. In no particular order.
3. The form of any given section of the structure will follow the limitations of the materials available.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012

Civilization II

Civilization is always destroying the old to create the new and out of the rubble the new empire emerges. My work has evolved out of the rubble of my past failures - out the ruins of my previous work. I am interested in exploring the relationship between obsolescence and entropy through the use of waste and recycled materials. As the pace of technological advances increases so does the rate of obsolescence. 

The society in which we live has high entropy and is losing energy. I want the viewer to question the function of functionless machines and what that implies in relation to modern society and its insatiable need for the new.

Since the dawn of civilization humans have used machines to make life easier. Will this reliance on machines be our downfall? Will we make machines that are autonomous? Will we make machines that destroy and create for us? Will they procreate for us and eventually for themselves?

Sunday, November 25, 2012